Legends Never Die

1680 x 1050
| 1280 x 800

'cause it's hard to see desktop icons with this wallpaper I've made two alternatives:

Legends Never Die with big icon table
1680 x 1050

Legends Never Die with small icon table, for less icons
1680 x 1050

info: Pictures of Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Marvin Gaye, Tom Waits, John Lennon, Lita Ford, Jeff Buckley, Frank Zappa, Leonard Cohen, Lionel Ritchie, Don McLean, Sting, B.B. King, David Bowie, Tina Turner, Johnny Winter, Jim Croce, Johnny Cash, Patty Smith, Wendy 'o Williams (Center), Michael Jackson, Prince, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Eric Clapton, jim Morrison, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Presley, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong

Note that the title of the wallpaper is not 40 top musicians or something! ;)


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